
The information in the small print is actually important and it is provided on this page.

Company details and information about the site administrator

Victorum Capital Inc.

2102-58 Keefer Place
Vancouver, BC V6B 0B6, Canada

Legal representative:

CEO Osbert Doehl

Telephone: +1 604-260-0738


Contacts fpr the media:

Administrative management:

Registered in British Columbia, registration number:

Information about Victorum Capital Inc. Securities

ISIN: CA92642D1024
CUSIP: 92642D102

Transfer Agent

Integral Transfer Agency Inc.
100 Queen St E
Toronto, ON M5C 1S6, Canada

Competent regulatory authority

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, NE Washington
DC 20549-0213

Telephone: (800) 732-0330
Fax: (202) 772-9295 

Additional information

As the information provider, Victorum Capital Inc. is liable for the content of this website. The content of links to external third-party websites goes beyond the company’s sphere of influence. Victorum Capital Inc. is liable for third-party information only if it is sufficiently aware thereof and if it is technically possible and permissible to prevent its use.

If the content of a linked website may give rise to civil or criminal liability and Victorum Capital Inc. has determined this fact in advance or has been notified thereof, the link in question will be removed. However, this change will be made only if it is technically possible and permissible. The technical feasibility and admissibility is not affected by the fact that inappropriate information can be accessed from other servers even after preventing access from domain.

The contents of these websites are for informational purposes only. The company does not make any warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the information posted. Neither reading nor any other use of the information should be construed as an offer to purchase securities or a solicitation to begin a business relationship with Victorum Capital Inc. There is no liability for providing information or advice. Liability for the content of posted information is excluded unless it is intentionally rude or false. It should be noted that unencrypted email communication is not secure, so there is no liability for the messages sent, in particular with respect to meeting deadlines! Subscription or cooperation is prohibited without the prior written permission from Victorum Capital Inc. When sending unencrypted emails for the first time, consent to unencrypted communication should be provided.